Team Bios

Beatrice Davis, President

Prior to establishing Sassy B. Worldwide Productions Inc., it's president, Beatrice Davis served as tour manager, entertainment coordinator and consultant for some of the finest athletes and artist's of the world including B.B. King, Ray Charles, Liza Minnelli, Elton John, Common, Will Smith, Ice T, Too Short, Commodores, SOS Band, former baseball player Dave Stewart, former football player Emery Moorehead, former basketball player Dennis Rodman, Ivana Trump, world fastest talking woman in the world Fran Capo, actor Kevin Sorbo, actress Barbara Niven, Gypsy Kings, R. Kelly, International Designer Geir Ness and former World Armature Sumo Champion Emanuel Yarbrough (AKA Tiny).

Never stopping and keep moving on to new projects her latest adventure is a new internet talk show called “Kaffee Klatsch”. Created and produced by Sassy B Worldwide Productions, Inc. targeting ages 21 and older. A internet talk show about sex, love, romance and many other hot topics. This show is currently in production and seeking funding for release and broadcasting.

Her high degree of expertise and organizational skills has enabled her to mount successful tours, sporting and high profile events.

Possessing degrees in business and fashion design enabled Beatrice Davis to successfully venture into many facets of the entertainment business, including consulting, coordinating music festivals, organizing special sporting & corporate events, promotional campaigns for various sports celebrities as well as productions of music videos, low budget movies and short films.

A native of Switzerland, Beatrice Davis has hosted radio talk shows in Germany (Stuttgart Stadt Radio World Wide Entertainment News), and her industry related articles have been published in German music magazines (DJ Magazine and German Dance Magazine). In the past Beatrice has been featured on many television and radio shows around the world and featured in magazines and news papers. These experiences have given Beatrice Davis a wide array of eclectic knowledge and useful contacts in the industry: from media, film, music and sports affairs to a broad range of interactive entertainment.

In 2014 she founded the on-line magazine No Strings Attached E News. The magazine allows writers to publish articles what normally may not be published through other magazine. Freedom in creativity, writing and expressing each individual opinion is the main purpose of the magazine.

Her non profit affiliations and commitments are: Children’s Medical Research Foundation; Athletes Against Drugs, Core Center; Rising Sun Ranch, JB Dondolo Foundation, SumoKids Foundation and I am 4 Kids Foundation.


Emily Marley

Graphic Designer | Social Media | Marketing

Born and raised in a small town in Ontario, Canada, Emily has had the pleasure of doing a lot in her life so far and can’t wait to do even more!
Emily has a love of sports that has carried her through her life by playing on her high school basketball team, to her first job at a motorcycle clothing company, to working for a professional basketball team. All of those experiences gave her new and exciting opportunities to learn new skills and grow as a person.
Emily attended St. Clair College in Windsor Ontario for her advanced diploma in their Graphic Design Program. She has been thankful to carry on those skills ever since graduation. She was hired right out of her college program to Joe Rocket Canada, which is a nation-wide motorcycle clothing brand. During her time with Joe Rocket, she used her graphic design skills, as well as honed in her skills for product photography and editing, customer service, and product repair. As the company fell on some hard times, Emily and multiple other employees had to close that chapter of their lives.
Where Emily gathered even more skills was in her time with the professional basketball team, the Windsor Express. They are a team in the National Basketball League of Canada (NLBC) who were back-to-back campions back in the day. Emily was first charged with managing their Social Media accounts on Game Day. Multitasking was key! By the second year (and for the next 3 years), Emily was Game Day Operations Director, which means from the second the doors open to the last person leaving (which was usually her) she was in control of everything. She honed her skills of organization, management of a large team of people and the ability to adapt to any situation that is thrown her way. She was also tasked with group sales for the organization which gave her the chance to acquire and refine her sales ability and customer service skills to get groups to attend the games. It was a wonderful opportunity to flourish in a very fast-paced environment and come out on the other side stronger.
More recently, Emily has had the pleasure of working as a legal assistant to her father who is a prominent criminal defence lawyer in their area. Here, she is able to continue to learn new skills, and carry the tremendous about of skills she possesses to another new environment. Emily’s largest goal is to help others. She is always willing to lend her talents to farther others.
Her list of skills has been growing with every opportunity she is presented, and that won’t ever change. She has launched EMAZING Design which is her personal brand to assist in providing her wide array of services to those who need them. With the ultimate goal of leaving every situation better than she got it, her work ethic and vast knowledge and skills are at the disposal of her clients to ensure they get the results they are looking for!

Client Development and Booking Manager

Marquell Oliver
Independent Contractor

Creative, visionary, and motivator are three words that strongly describes the Aurora- born leader that is Marquell Oliver.

He is currently studying at Illinois State University where he is also the first-generation student to pursue higher education in his entire family.  In the past few years, Marquell has added his name amongst the community leaders once he received the NAACP Martin Luther King Jr. Character Award (’14). He is an alum from Metea Valley High School (’14), where he was the Black Student Alliance President, Vice President of the Young Men’s Club, and he achieved being selected 1st Team All-Area/All-Conference basketball player.

From studying in Europe and South Carolina, Oliver’s approach has definitely been influenced in a worldwide view which he hopes to continue to educate himself to help further his ideas and plans moving forward.

He currently has his own Social Emotional Learning program (LIFTOFF), motivational speaker, creative director, and a youth success coach. Through this, his goal is to form collaborations that’ll help strengthen the way people perceive things in their everyday lives, and helping people reach their maximum potential.


Web Master - IT Support

Ordaz Jeter
Independent Contractor

Jeter finds interest in all things dealing with technology and the online community.  He has many years of experience in K-12 and higher education as an instructional technologist and instructor.  He is currently the owner of the Virginia Computer Institute, Inc., a technology based company that provides technology implementation services, customized training and aerial drone videography services.  He is a proud member of the NSAEN team and is responsible for the overall IT mission, vision, and strategy.
He believes in the incredible power of positive thinking and he is firmly committed to making a positive impact throughout the world.


Legal Representation

Khaled J. Elkhatib
Elkhatib Law, LLC
203 N. LaSalle, Suite 2144
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 324-0944
Fax: (312) 276-4747